pajamas meaning and definition

pajamas meaning

pajamas, or PJs for short, these are the clothes you wear to bed. They are often flannel and really comfy. Some silly girls wear them during the day because they think it's cool. Pajamas are generally fun to wear.

pajamas meaning

An article of clothing so comfortable that you'll want to wear it everywhere, but looks so stupid on you that you only end up wearing it in private.

pajamas meaning

when something is hella cool, awesome, spiffy, rad, gnarly, amazing all rolled into one.

pajamas meaning

A Private Joke (known as a PJ). A PJ also means pajama.

pajamas meaning

When you sneak up on a sleeping person while they are sleeping on their stomach and have anal sex with them, without waking them up. Comes from old times, when the butt flap was still popular. Note! There must be no consent for this to work properly.

pajamas meaning

(v) to openly cock block someone

pajamas meaning

Nothing. A word made up by the Americans. What they mean is pYjamas. Notice the Y in there. Pyjamas are something you wear to bed. Pajamas don't exist. So there.

Read also:

Pajamasalad meaning

Pajamas that double as a nutritious snack or a night time outfit.

Pajama Sam meaning

The fucking coolest blue mother fucker ever! With his red fucking cape and his black fucking eye mask. Finding puzzle pieces/socks all over the fucking place. Little man is scared of the fucking dark. --BRimar

pajamas inside out meaning

The practice of wearing one's pajamas inside out in the hopes of increasing overnight precipitation resulting in a snow-day.

pajama snot meaning

Various "emissions" that creep out at night and mingle with your pajamas. Don't act like you don't know what it is!

pajama stains meaning

Crusty stains in incriminating locations

Pajama Syndrome meaning

Staying in your pajamas all day, thereby losing the will to do anything productive. Lots of lounging around and procrastination will ensue.

pajama thug meaning

When you spend an entire day in your pajamas because there's no one else as thug as you and you could care less about what anyone says

Pajamatize meaning

To shed ones workday attire as soon as returning home in favor of comfortable pajamas. Similar to Clark Kent rapidly changing into SuperMan.

Pajamattire meaning

The unofficial "unemployment uniform".Also, sometimes known as housepants, lounge wear, PJs, sweats.

Pajama Walkers meaning

People who wear pajamas outside of the house.