Pajero meaning and definition

Pajero meaning

Spanish slang word meaning 'He who fiddles with himself for sexual gratification'. Unknowingly used by a major automobile manufacturer who took the more academic translation of the word to mean 'Straw Dealer'

Pajero meaning

Word often used in Argentinian language to refer to a guy that: 1. It's too lazy to do stuff 2. Looks at women in a very perverted sexual way or Hooks up with lot of women

Pajero meaning

1. Someone who lies or embelishes facts. Not necesarily to deceive or in a malicious manor. Can almost be translated into someone who's "Full of Shit."2. Someone who tends to make plans and not come through with them can gain the reputation of being "pajero"

Pajero meaning

A Pajero is a Japanese four wheel drive made from 1982-present by Mitsubishi. The Pajero is a low cost four wheel drive compared to its rivals. The Pajero was named Shogun and Montero In some countries due to the name in Spanish means Wanker. The Pajero four wheel drive is very underrated in the four wheel drive community.

Pajero meaning

A man who is (a) physically large, much like the 4WD Mitsubishi Pajero and (b) who is a total wanker.Characteristics of a pajero include lots of interior empty space and loud noise.

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Pajero Master meaning

A master of being a pajero. Chronic Masturbater. One who wrestles with the chicken too much and becomes skilled in doing so. Pa-Je-Ro.

pajgla meaning

Pajgla is used to describe the describe the enormous dimensions of one's head.

pajhe meaning

Some one very awesome, or at least has some awesome friends to think up a name like pajhe!

Pajiba meaning

A pretentious movie site that looks down upon places like Ain't It Cool even as they steal news from them. Reeks desperately of writers wishing they had the talent and/or the determination to write movies themselves, alternating with lazy douches content to make snarky, obvious jokes in the hopes of eventually getting paid by Gawker, the Onion AV Club, or Entertainment Weekly. Visitors consist primarily of liberal, Obama-loving, Weezer-glasses (or Lisa Loeb) using, sweater wearing, office dwelling, coffee drinking, iPod listening, twee expression using hipsters that are the downfall of society. You know, the type of people who type thing like "I heart Jim from the Office", "Christian Bale is teh sexy" and *reads about new Judd Apatow/Joss Whedon/Wes Anderson project* *squees* *hides in office giggling*. Those people.

pajigger meaning

An unspecified object, often used derisively or with a sense of frustration. A specific move away from a more focused, named definition of any thing. Similar to dohickey.

pajillero meaning

Spanish for jerkoff

pa jim-jams meaning

another way to say pajamas

pajimmy jam jams meaning

Pjs Pajamas Sleepwear

Pajimola meaning

an oddly hairy vagina, that smells like fish and clorox. it basically looks like sasquatch's asshole.

Pajina meaning

Vaginal access slit to your clit in your pajama bottoms.