pangis meaning and definition

pangis meaning

A more "epic" penis

pangis meaning

background: pikes peak workcamp definition: a word that can be subsituted in for any other word.

pangis meaning

People That Are Weird Or Hang Out With Weird People

pangis meaning

somehting you are something you eat

pangis meaning

Another slang term for the penis. See penix, dick, wang, cock

Read also:

pangit meaning

Tagalog for unattractive, or ugly

pangkeng meaning

to fuck in a cheap hotel in Singapore (eg. Hotel 81, Fragrance Hotel)

Pangkles meaning

The wonderfully painful yet pleasurable act of modifying your body to fit the shape and size of a single pringle, then inserting yourself into a can full of them.


Panglaban /pung-la-bun/Literally means "for fighting" in Filipino and founded by Alexander Ferrer in 1994 in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada. Panglaban is a modern progressive combat discipline that combines the four fighting ranges: kicking, punching, clinching and grappling.

Pangle meaning

When you pretend to be a gyno

Pangling meaning

The padding motion a cat makes with its paws just before it decides to sit/lie down. In humans: the motions one makes to achieve a comfortable position for example on the sofa or in bedV. - to pangle = to rub against someone/something (consciously or unconsciously) to achieve a state of comfort

panglish meaning

The way English will be spoken some decades ahead.

Pangloss meaning

The philosopher in Voltaire's Candide. He believes "All is for the best in this best of all possible worlds." Even as he suffers horribly throughout the book, he stands by this concept. By the end of the book, though, he admits "he asserted it still, but he no longer believed it." See also: panglossian

panglossian meaning

Blindly optimistic, naively so.

Pangna meaning

adjective. singular. being very young, handsome, full of energy, with a big bright contagious smile.