qacee meaning and definition

qacee meaning

Big boobed ass who has her good moments. Plays so many instruments she has the right to be full of herself sometimes

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Qacha meaning

Referring to a male or female genitalia as a joke.

qachin meaning

Anything that is good-looking, fun, or mad legit

qachina meaning

A duck.

Qack meaning

a person who has amazing yet insane moments during a time that is supposed to be focused or serious.-this person usually has a buddy or two who create the mayhem or do idiotic things that make it all just fantastic

Qaddafi meaning

adj - a crazy stupid psychopathic person that has a trashy sense of fashion

Qadeem meaning

Qadeem means: Powerful or ancient.A powerful, smart, kind, gracious person.

Qadeer meaning

Unisex name, commonly male. QADEER is the most popular name in USA One in every 175,551 Americans are named as QADEER and popularity of name QADEER is 5.7 people per million. If we compare the popularity statistics of QADEER to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of March.07.2009 07:32 there are 1,744 people named as QADEER in the United States and the number of QADEER's are increasing by 15 people every year. Usage of QADEER as a middle name is more common than its usage as a first name. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in QADEER is 50 and this makes QADEER arithmetic buddies with words like Tease, Easy, Open. People with the name QADEER are usually smart, stubborn but are liked by everyone as they are kind, considerate and have a great sense of humor.

qaden meaning

Qaden is the sexiest man candy of a hunk ever to walk the earth. If you come across him, You're gonna have a good night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Qader meaning

A good-looking Afghan boy with awesome hair. He doesn't take things too seriously and likes to joke around. He will make everyone around him smile. He is outgoing when he is with his bros, but he is very shy around girls. He may not take the hint at first that a girl likes him, but since he is shy and unsure around girls, it is often that a girl may have to initiate conversation first, in order to get to know him.

qadir meaning

That one black guy who breaks everyones ankles without even trying.