qeeto meaning and definition

qeeto meaning

somthing cool dun when ur high on marijuana and at least 2 people havt to see it and i am the originator of this word

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qeeze meaning

A boy that cannot get it up, or one so gay, he can't even begin to try.

Qeezieakaqeez meaning

hella cool points

QEF meaning

Quod erat faciendum

QEFD meaning

Short for the Latin "Quod Erat Fucking Demonstrandum." A version of the common statement "QED" with slightly more emphasis. Commonly used on most proofs that required a fair amount of sweat to complete.

qefed meaning

pronounced kweeft, play on words, see queefderivation: from QE and QE2, quantitative easing (money printing) programs instituted by the Federal Reserve which results in the devaluation of the dollar compared to other currencies and commodities.definition: The sound of air expulsion from the dollar after it has been vigorously fucked by the Fed.

QEG meaning

"Q.E.G." (sometimes written "QEG") is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase "quod erat GGed" which means "that which was to be GGed"

qeh meaning

Synonymous for the Jewish word 'feh'. A dismissive gesture of derision.

Qeiencieing meaning

Qeiencieing is the art of mocking someone due to their lack of ability to use correct grammar.Pronounced 'quincy-ing' the word itself is a mockery of the English language and was selected as it breaks many of the mnemonics people often use when spelling. Creating a mnemonic of its own:It's no u after q, e before i, i before e after c and you don't drop the e after ing.

qeirdo meaning

An exceptionally strange person

Qeka meaning

A word that may substitute any word; anything; everything.