RaceReady meaning and definition

RaceReady meaning

Preparing or being prepared for a race. Usually a bike race and involving practices directly opposite to those of professional athletes or the keen types who think they actually have a chance of troubling the scorers at the sharp end of the pack. To be RaceReady requires as much dedication and determination that's found in your average Olympian. RaceReady can also apply to your equipment, a muddy bike will only require a once over with a stiff brush to be fully RaceReady

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race realism meaning

A term that white supremacists use to justify their xenophobia by claiming that they're being "realistic" about race and ethnicity, when in reality it's complete and utter bullshit.

race-reflected meaning

A phrase or sentence that sounds like its about race when in fact its not

Race Riot meaning

when a mostly white police force indiscriminately assaults and brutalizes people of color in the community that it has been charged to serve and protect. see also systemic racism and everyday life in the USA

racer straps meaning

When a woman or girl wears a racer-back or t-back tank top over a regular bra. This results in double strappage and the bra straps are clearly visible going straight up the back while the tank top has arched straps.

Racer X meaning

Speed Racer's older brother Rex Racer who ran away from home many years ago. Although he is Speed's rival, he is also his guardian angel at times.

race scale meaning

the scale of race definition, starting at the lowest end of the scale with a lightly shaded ken (0.1 - 3.0), the on to the mid range darkie being a kennith (3.1 - 7.0) and up to the higher end of the scale being a kenwyn (7.1 - 10), the blackest of the black

Race Squatting meaning

When a group of one race pretends to discuss and solve all of the issues of another race.

Racest meaning

to be of the highest level of racism

Race Swap meaning

When you take a face-swap selfie with a friend who's a different ethnicity.

Racetard meaning

Someone who is obsessed with race.