Rabbit Town meaning and definition

Rabbit Town meaning

Term used by the WS, ES, SS Playboys gang in reference to their Varrio (neighborhood) or Hood. This term is expressed in music generated by gang members as well.

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rabbit trails meaning

A city-dwellers belittling or irritated reference to the suburbs, especially suburbs far from the urban locations which are well-known to the city dweller. To get out to the rabbit trails usually requires a lot of driving, or will make the city dweller get home late, or are likely to cause the city-dweller to get lost. Also referred to as "mother fuckin' rabbit trails". Specifically, I heard this used by an ancient blues musician who hated to drive far away from his home on the South Side of Chicago, but who needed the money.

rabbit turd meaning

the result of rubbing ones hands together at a medium pace causing intense friction and seperation of the epidermis until a black ball of skin is formed. Most hobbyist enjoy collecting such ball's and adding to them over long periods of time.

rabbitty meaning

The act of being a rabbit. To act in a sexually covert manner with the same sex; mainly used when the other is not gay or bi-sexual. To allow hidden gay tendencies to surface.

rabbitual meaning

adj. the manner in which religiously-minded humans piously and steadily outbreed their non-believing counterparts at a rate close to that of rabbits.

Rabbit Vibrators meaning

Multi-functional vibrators, designed with a "clit stimulating" Y-shaped top (hence the rabbit reference.) Other functions include a rotary-style pearl stem with additional anal stimulator.

rabbit whoring meaning

The act of browsing a porn forum and clicking links to subsequent profiles to find other porn.

rabbity-fig-faggler meaning

noun: one who shaves, cooks, and eats one's own pubic hair

Rabble meaning

general smalltalk that gets repeated using different keywords, adjectives and nouns rearranged in different phrases in order to portray the same scenario

rabbleface meaning

rabbleface: a person who acts like they are from another planet because they are just lost and retarded

rabble jabble meaning

meaningless banter used to fill the space of logical conversation