rabdin meaning and definition

rabdin meaning

Common mistake of the word random when you are totally drunk.

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Rabdog meaning

Combination of rabbbit and dog Used to confuse people for no apparent reason. Said only to be annoying. Can be used for any reason, just to be cool.

Rabdom meaning

Rabdom is a specific and common example for when autocorrect fails to do its job.

Rabe meaning

1) a term used to describe a creepy friend who knowingly makes himself the third wheel and prevents his friends from getting any ass (a cock block) 2) to mess up something important

Rabea meaning

Beautiful. One of a kind. Outragous. Simply amazing.

rabear meaning

an extremely rare case of a hybrid of rabbit and bear. (only applies for human who portrays the characteristics of both animals)a rabear is capable of growling and also, making cute noises

rabecca meaning

1- a variant of the name/word "rebecca"2- a nice girl, usually ends up getting used/abused/walked on by assholes yet doesn't do a thing about it except complain and blame themself3- a cute person who tries to be sexy and hot, yet still only comes off as "cute"

Rabeccah meaning

1. A misspelling of Rebeccah that some ignorant whore once thought made sense.2. A Rabeccah is a girl who is unique, confident, and stands up for everything she believes in. She is capable of all things when her mind is set on something; she doesn't give up. A good friend who is always there when you need her.

rabed meaning

new school way of saying raped which in turn means beaten badly either in a game or a comeback from someone else.

Rabeea meaning

A comedian. Just abso-freakin'-lutely HILARIOUS.

rabeet meaning

an indian man with white skin