Rabea meaning and definition

Rabea meaning

Beautiful. One of a kind. Outragous. Simply amazing.

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rabear meaning

an extremely rare case of a hybrid of rabbit and bear. (only applies for human who portrays the characteristics of both animals)a rabear is capable of growling and also, making cute noises

rabecca meaning

1- a variant of the name/word "rebecca"2- a nice girl, usually ends up getting used/abused/walked on by assholes yet doesn't do a thing about it except complain and blame themself3- a cute person who tries to be sexy and hot, yet still only comes off as "cute"

Rabeccah meaning

1. A misspelling of Rebeccah that some ignorant whore once thought made sense.2. A Rabeccah is a girl who is unique, confident, and stands up for everything she believes in. She is capable of all things when her mind is set on something; she doesn't give up. A good friend who is always there when you need her.

rabed meaning

new school way of saying raped which in turn means beaten badly either in a game or a comeback from someone else.

Rabeea meaning

A comedian. Just abso-freakin'-lutely HILARIOUS.

rabeet meaning

an indian man with white skin

Rabeh meaning

A faggot. A gayass. An asswipe. A dipshit.

Rabel meaning

Used to express extreme: like, dislike, hatred, bemused indignation, sorrow, happiness, pain, or basically any other emotion known to man. Rabel is a math teacher at a highschool, that does nothing and is definetely a crackhead.

Rabens meaning

Only the coolest shoes in the world. Available in Australia and probably other places too. Insanely cheap, insanely comfortable, these shoes come in a variety of different colours.

Rab-esque meaning

To be a complete douschebag during a conversation for no apparent reason.