racipist meaning and definition

racipist meaning

(Racist + Rapist) = Racipist

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racish meaning

Kind of racist. Racist is such a charged word in our society, that whenever people hear it--they tense up. So the word "racish" was invented to say, "Hey, I'm not really sure I like what you just said/did, let's talk about it in an attempt to understand each other better." People who do or say racish things are not bad people--they don't go to secret meetings or strategize about how they can keep other people down. What they do is occasionally engage in behavior that helps to keep the races apart, instead of bringing them together. This is not a term that only applies to white people--doesn't that make you happy, white people? I thought it would (: Popularized on the blog myblackfriendsays.com.

racisim meaning

the wront way to spell Racism

racisist meaning

Racisist is the name given to an extreme racist, who always jeers abuse at different races.

Racisize meaning

To show or imply racist thoughts, actions, and motives in an obvious way.

racism meaning

Noun. 1) Strict definition: An irrational bias towards members of a racial background. The bias can be positive (e.g. one race can prefer the company of its own race or even another) or it can be negative (e.g. one race can hate another). To qualify as racism, the bias must be irrational. That is, it cannot have a factual basis for preference. 2) Commonly intended definition(in America): A bias that white people have against blacks. 3) Politically motivated definition: A justifiable reason to redistribute resources or opportunities between groups on the basis of race alone.

racism-in-situ meaning

racism still confined to the basement membrane. not out-right racist, but getting there.

Racismo meaning

A term for interacial sex because it eliminates racism of all kinds. In other words interacial fucking is the best way to get rid of racism. The there refers to draino which unstops clogged drains and interacial sex uncloggs interacial relationships and creats good feelings in more ways than one.

racism rights meaning

The social permission to express racist remarks regarding your own culture.

racismsed meaning

A made up word that is not used by anyone.

racism stick meaning

A tactical accusation designed to attack another person by claiming their actions are racist or racially motivated. The attack can be offensive, defensive or purely diversional.