Saaa meaning and definition

Saaa meaning

That's is, done with

Read also:

saaaa meaning

Spanish Version of "yaaassssss"

saaaaaa meaning

Sonido onomatopéyico que denota sexo entre varones.

Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmeeeee meaning

To ignore or annoy someone by answering with the word. This word is famous for the long phrase and has no point to it. The best time to use this is when you do not know what a girl is talking about, when a guy is talking so much shit and you don't feel like saying much back, when you want to confuse the person, and when you want to ignore the person.


vegetarian zombie mating call

saaaaarrkkkaaaaaarr meaning

v) a feeling of intense anger, generally caused by the stupidity of others.


When your pothead friend wants to smoke your pot and you need an excuse to not

saaaan meaning

Awesome thing to say when you feel happy

saaað meaning

To use a graphics editing program (such as photoshop, gimp, quark, paint shop pro, etc.) to alter reality to your liking, esp. to put your arms around someone you couldn't in real life.

Saaake meaning

A word used to describe a situation or act that you are unimpressed with.

SAAAN meaning

Prank Vs Prank's replacement for the "son" at the end of a sentence.