sabbs meaning and definition

sabbs meaning

Short Arms Big Belly Syndrome See also S.A.B.B.S. in the urban dictionary.

Read also:

Sabbu meaning

Having a slight hangover

sabby meaning

1. the best thing in the whole world 2. Absolutely NOTHING better 3. PIMP

Sabbycat meaning

a very attractive woman who purrs like a kitten when stroked and roars like a tiger when provoked.

Sabbyism meaning

When you make a smartass comment "just because"

SABD meaning

SABD - "suck a big Dick" ... a line from one of Nicki Minaj's songs. A synonym to screw you.

sabda meaning

word in Nepali language

SabDek meaning

moron, idiot, pathetic waste of space, patriotic fool

SABDFL meaning

Self-Appointed Benevolent Dictator for Life.

sabdy meaning

Sabdy has the same defenition of a noob she tries to do somethin but she just suks at it she has no point of livin life, and she is a horny freak too.

sabe meaning

A person who loves to have a great time and stuff, and makes up alot of words and stuff. He drives a zombie mobile cougar and races cops till they crash into eachother, then pulles over to call them assholes and they walk away. This guy can get any chick, and stuff, then get really shwasted and be "that guy and stuff" but in a totally awesome way. Likes doing fatty burn outs if church parking lots and stuff and having no consequences smashes the rear bumper of his car into a wall on a turn at 40mph. This guy can party!