sablauskas meaning and definition

sablauskas meaning

sablauskas means "sword" in Lithuanian and they are very smart and intelligent their fathers push them to be great even though they try their best but they do great in school they are smart and can get almost any job they desire oh did i mention they are great in bed

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sable meaning

A contraceptive from the 1800's to early 1900's, generally made out of cotton or other soft materials.

sablesmart meaning

the coolest kind of smart there is.

sableye meaning

The best pokémon ever. It eats gems and steals spirits. Thats enought. Already too awesome.

sabline meaning

sabline is a very loving person, has a mean attitude, she is very smart, but can freaky at times. She is very impatience & needy, and very materialistic.

sablo meaning

Sablo is a nickname for a girl who's name starts with an S and loves Kanye West

sablstt meaning

Still A Better Love Story Than Twilightcommon hashtag or phrase, usually meaning that even the shittiest relationship is better than those appearing in Twilight novels

sabnzbd meaning

sabnzbd is a piece of software which fits right into your internet explorer (like Chrome or IE) just like uTorrent. You also need a paid subscription to a usenet server (like Astraweb). It's about 10x as fast as torrents and much less danger of being caught since it isn't peer to peer it's peer to web host.

SABO meaning

an acronym for the words "Suck A Big One" used only when saying goodbye to someone.

Saboath meaning

Word used to describe a secret homosexual party, where illicit activities go on.

sabocat meaning

Mascot of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). Symbolizes the right of workers to slow or even stop production to win rights, ie sabotage. Also called sabcat, sabtabby.