sabotage meaning and definition

sabotage meaning

A Beastie Boys classic

sabotage meaning

Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening an enemy through subversion, obstruction, disruption, and/or destruction.

sabotage meaning

The conscious disruption of production in a workplace by the employees. What workers do when they can't take it anymore. It can be both an organized effort to change the conditions at work and an individual act to vent frustrations.

sabotage meaning

In politics a party or influence group often creates public acceptance of a goal by associating it with emotionally-laden imprecise buzzwords. National defense, preventing sexual trafficking and support for the arts are examples that are effective for different demographics. As the key bill is about to be passed, or the purchase contract is near being finalized, what the promoters most fear is serious analysis of the full costs and range of effects.The political or media strategy then becomes vilifying those who oppose it, and depicting such effort as "sabotage" can be effective It contains the tacit message that those who are expressing such sentiments, especially if they are fact based, are actually using underhanded methods that the audience is warned against attending to.This usage is a way of saying, "don't confuse me with the facts!"

sabotage meaning

the complete inability of the contractor to manage his works

sabotage meaning

A website that seems safe enough, but after about 30 seconds has an image pop up that is scary, amusing, or just plain retarded. Also called a screamer (1 and 4) these websites usually have low volume in the beginning or a message for you to turn your speakers up. This is because when the surprise comes it's usually accompanied by a loud noise, like a scream. Usually the page is initially a game or an optical illusion, something the viewer has to focus on for a while. These websites are for scaring the shit out of and pissing off your friends. The classic one is "Ghost in a picture", where you're supposed to spot a ghost moving in a picture and an "Exorcist" type of face comes up and screams really loudly. There's another, tamer one, where it's supposed to be an optical illusion and then a cartoon man moons you.

sabotage meaning

A bomb ass skate video made by locals of indiana

Read also:

sabotage-massive meaning

badness to the max. the highest order of wrath.

sabotager meaning

Someone who sabotuer. Someone who is provided a weapon to sabotage others with.

sabotage voting meaning

Voting for the least attractive candidate in the primary of the party that one opposes, in an effort to sabotage that party's chances in the general election

sabotagical meaning

When your parents catch you smoking mad chronic in your bedroom

sabotai meaning

A man who has great ability in tactical planning.

sabotard meaning

noun. a person who repels the women his mate(s) are attempting to "pick up" Antonym of "wingman."verb. to unintentionally repel women whom your mate(s) are attempting to "pick up"

sabotate meaning

a comic melodramatic way to subvert someones plans.

Saboteur meaning

1. A person who often engages in sabotage. Often being sabotaged by someone else.2. Someone who commits sabotage or deliberately causes wrecks.

Sabot Sucker meaning

Army term meaning to use someone else to draw fire or draw the enemy's attention. Sabot is the main gun round on a tank. Using someone as a sabot sucker means you're intentionally sending them to do something that will cause them to get shot (usually by a tank).So if you were in a training exercise and wanted to know where the enemy was hiding you might send one vehicle into the open. Once they're fired on you now know where the enemy is. That vehicle would be a Sabot Sucker. You might also use a sabot sucker to draw attention in a different direction so you can sneak around another way, etc.Many times at the National Training Center at Ft. Irwin, CA active duty Army units are assigned a National Guard unit to go through the rotation with them. It's common practice to send the useless National Guard units first as sabot suckers. NOTE = Anyone to be used as a sabot sucker will be decieved into thinking their role is critical when really its a diversion.

Sabotur meaning

A specialist of sabotage in any situation.