Sabrena meaning and definition

Sabrena meaning

Possibly one of the most sexiest vixens on the planet.

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sabrenia meaning

Sexy , intelligent , hard worker with a big booty , pretty feet , always smelling good she prefers real men that knows what they want out of life and the real men prefers that she stay at home so they can wait on her every need , a rare beauty that is seen maybe twice in life , gorgeous from head to toe , ghetto booty , but thinks she is ok , not stuck up , careing person ,beautiful inside and out , a true blessing

Sabrepulse meaning

the pioneer of chiptune!

Sabre-Rattle meaning

Millennial-era sex interpretation of an early 20th Century phrase to threaten military action, flex muscle or might.

Sabres meaning

A word used in place of 'ripe old'

Sabretooth meaning

This is a Woman well past her prime of being a Puma or even a Cougar. They lurk just before dusk in huge groups drinking Cosmopolitan after Cosmopolitan. They are looking for any form of action and are no stranger to the chase. They typically wear gray and white fur coats, have way to much gold jewelry, and wear more make up than Bozo the clown. If one of them approaches you quickly point her in the direction of the nearest early bird dinner and run for your life. These are the worst of bar patrons as they have nothing to lose and have heard it all.

sabretooth Camel Toe meaning

so we all know what a camel toe is... (some ones pants are too tight and the genital region is see through the clothing and resemble the hoof of a camel) well a sabertooth camel toe is the worst kind of camel toe.. its when you see the toe but its packed in there soo tight that it becomes hard and can cut bread ... very useful if you dont have a knife.

Sabretooth Crotch Crickets meaning

(n.) (pl.) A term that often refers to the most advanced stage of pubic lice. However, Sabretooth Crotch Crickets (SCCs) are a seperate (but related) secies. SCCs are found in the pubic region of exceptionally promiscuous females and males (human). While shaving and intense washing can sometimes lower the population of an SCC nest, SCCs have never been known to disappear completely within the host's lifetime. Hosts often fail to realize the severity of their condition before the number of SCC's around/on their genitalia number in the high teens or more. SCCs, occasionally described as miniature Hercules Beetles, have proportianlly large pincers; however these can vary in configuration from cricket to cricket. When provoked (rough sex will do it), SCCs often emit a low-volume hissing or buzzing sound to warn of a painful attack (the onset of this sound is in fact when many affected people first realize that something is horribly wrong down south--otherwise, SCCs do not usually draw attention to themselves and can be quite reclusive). This sound is regularly exaggerated by people unfamiliar with SCCs, because it's damn funny if someone else has them but you don't.

Sabre-Toothed Cougar meaning

A pathetically old cougar; a woman way too old to be out on the prowl.

Sabretoothed Swamp Donkey meaning

1. A mythical beast of lore and legend that is said to inhabit the backwood waterways of Northern Florida or Southern Georgia. Just as it sounds it is an ancient animal with long canine teeth that extend approximately 5 inches below its lower jaw line. It has the body of a donkey, but instead of hooves it has webbed feet, similar to a duck, which allow it to move quickly through the swamps and rivers it inhabits.2. A sneaky drunk redneck that waits patiently on a branch that overhangs a river. As people carelessly paddle beneath him, he jumps from the branch and yells, "EHHH AWWW!!" as he splashes down near their canoe, doubtlessly knocking them into the water and making their children cry.

Sabre Toothless Tiger meaning

n. An old woman... (and I mean OLD) that still hunts in bars/clubs and preys on much younger men for sexual favors. A Sabre toothless tiger out-ages a cougar by at least 10-20years and may or may not have all of her real teeth.