Sacagawea meaning and definition

Sacagawea meaning

Any US currency coin valued at $1. Perfect change to have in your glove box for dutches.

Sacagawea meaning

Another code word over the phone/in person, for a sack of pot. To be used around parents, administrators, etc. etc.

Sacagawea meaning

When two friends like or have a crush on the same girl.

Sacagawea meaning

The act of placing your scrotum (the "sac" in Sacagawea) into someone elses drink. This is done in plain sight of others, so that when the person returns and takes a drink, everyone can yell: "Sacagawea!" After which much mirth and hilarity ensues. If the victim is a guy, then it's considered male bonding, and his ability to laugh it off is part of "taking one for the team", and showing that he's part of the crowd. (If he then takes a second drink after discovering the prank, then he's attempting to bond a little too much.) If the victim is an unattractive woman, then it's the equivalent of a pity fuck, and she is expected to display much gratitude. If the victim is an attractive woman, then she's been given the high honor of being allowed to act disgusted in front of everyone to maintain the illusion of her virtue, while silently climaxing at the thought of what she has just ingested. In return for this opportunity, she is obligated to have sex with the perpetrator.

Sacagawea meaning

The line down the middle of a scrotum

Sacagawea meaning

noun: intercourse (ie. the nasty)

Sacagawea meaning

The act of placing your scrotum (the "sac" in Sacagawea) into someone elses drink. This is done in plain sight of others, so that when the person returns and takes a drink, everyone can yell: "Sacagawea!" After which much mirth and hilarity ensues. If the victim is a guy, then it's considered male bonding, and his ability to laugh it off is part of "taking one for the team", and showing that he's part of the crowd. (If he then takes a second drink after discovering the prank, then he's attempting to bond a little too much.) If the victim is an unattractive woman, then it's the equivalent of a pity fuck, and she is expected to display much gratitude. If the victim is an attractive woman, then she's been given the high honor of being allowed to act disgusted in front of everyone to maintain the illusion of her virtue, while silently climaxing at the thought of what she has just ingested. In return for this opportunity, she is obligated to have sex with the perpetrator.

Read also:

Sacagaweiner meaning

The penis of a Native American. Usually embroidered with tattoos and STDs.

sacagrub meaning

dental floss, an object to remove particles of food from your teeth

sacaguweya meaning

reffering to something suprising or a feel.

sacajawea meaning

(noun) When you have a group of white kids that is hanging out with one African American,that knows the land,to lead them through the unknown ghetto territory to score drugs.The African American being the "sacajawea".

Sacajawea slippers meaning

Girls moccasins.

Sacajawea Snowstorm meaning

The act of filling up a ice tray and ejaculating into the tray. Then you freeze the cum cubes for peoples enjoyment.

Sacajaweeda meaning

Sac a ja weed. Green plant matter in a sandwich bag. Meant to be inhaled through the mouth and into the lungs.

Sacajaweewee Dubloon meaning

Noun The Sacajawea dollars that are made of pirates gold. One may obtain these priceless pieces by, getting change. See Dirty Injin(g)

Sacajawiah meaning

as in the coin....sacajawiah coin... also used when going through drive throughs

sacajuana meaning

noun - Slang term for a bag of marijuana. Originating from the marriage of the term "sack of marijuana" and the name "sacagawea". Sometimes this term is shortened to "sacajuan".