sacana meaning and definition

sacana meaning

a portuguese definition for bastard or asshole

Read also:

sacanagem meaning

1. A Portuguese word that roughly translates to "Let's experiment in the world of erotic experience in a dirty sort of way." 2. A dirty trick or shenanigan.

Sac and Cheese meaning

The action of marinating one's scrotum in a bowl of macaroni and cheese, preferably Kraft, and subsequently having a partner (preferably lactose intolerant) give a blowjob.

sacapoopoo meaning

Joke term for a "Japanese Diaper".

Sacapotatos meaning

What old people call Sacramento.

saca punta meaning

what you yell when you are excited, angry, happy, or frustrated. Means pencil sharpener in Spanish. SACA PUNTA!!!!

Sacapuntas meaning

A word to shout while traveling in taxi cabs which induces and ignites furious illegal street races between taxi drivers on the streets of San Francisco.

sacaputa meaning

a sacaputa is a girl who cannot keep her legs closed. translated literally sacaputa means "take out bitch" usually used as a synonym for hoe, skank, slut etc pronounced sock-uh-poo-ta

sacaramento meaning

Sacaramento is a sweet guy who would do anything for his girlfriend . He usually has dark color hair and brown eyes and is aways loyalyou can always trust Sacaramento.

sacarasc meaning

noun: someone decidely unpleasant, a bastard