T as TSP meaning and definition

T as TSP meaning

Abbreviation of Thick as Two Short Planks, Used to indicate a person of low intellegence

T as TSP meaning

Abbreviation of Thick as Two Short Planks, Used to indicate a person of low intellegence

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tastual meaning

A portmanteau of tasty and sexual. Something that is so delicious, you can't really describe it.

tastualize meaning

To tastualize something is to try and think about what something would taste like. The tasting equvialent to visualize.

Tasture meaning

Describing taste and texture at the same time.

Tasty meaning

a term used to describe how fucking awesome things are. often used to describe amazing riffs when playing guitar

tasty afters meaning

Putting food inside a vagina pre-sex, and having someone eat it out... post-sex

tasty ass meaning

See synonym "delicious ass" for detail.

tasty babe meaning

a hot sexy girl

Tasty Bass meaning

Bass that sounds so good that you can just almost taste it on your tongue and even make you lick your lips.Also can called Delicious Bass.

TastyBeaky meaning

A word used for weed, also making fun of a person who used to be against it but now is not.

Tasty Beverage meaning

Conveys RADness or when something so totally like kicks ass and stuff.