TABOMA meaning and definition

TABOMA meaning

Take A Bite Out Of My Ass

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tabone meaning

To insert ones penis inside another person

Tabongoning meaning

When you beer bong before riding in a tobaggan.

taboo meaning

Something that is out of the ordinary and goes against the norm. Generally unspoken about and often frowned upon. Can be a practice, culture, person or thing.

taboob meaning

A person who wants to address taboo issues in repressed/oppressed societies and strategizes that the only way to campaigning for reform and successfully do that is by morphing oneself into an attractive sub-organismal sexual organ that lots of people like.

taboobies meaning

Female breasts with tattoos on them.

tabooboo meaning

1. A taboo (something socially forbidden or frowned upon) that occurs on an already present taboo. Meta-taboo would function accuratley as synonym although the logistics of a metatabooboo are as of yet unexplored.

taboogerwolf meaning

an ugly female who has long sides burns, yellow teeth and smells like boiled onions and dirty socks

taboo girl meaning

The term "taboo girl" is used to describe a girl whose behavior, actions & lifestyle are often described as "taboo" by other people.

taboogle meaning

1. A game involving two or more participants, where the participants are assigned to one of two teams, similar to taboo. The object of the game is to score higher than the other team in a session of google image labeling. The teams take turn trying to match labels with the anonymous labeler on the other end of the internets. If a team member mentions or writes one of the "off-limits" words, they get buzzed. How many people on a team can talk/type words into image labeler is left to the discretion of the players. 2. A pseudonym used to refer to Google's Image Labeler.

Tabookake meaning

When the winner of a game of 'Taboo' gets to jiz all over the face of the loser