TBMF meaning and definition

TBMF meaning

Acronym: To bad motherfucker

TBMF meaning

Acronym: To bad motherfucker

Read also:

tbmfb meaning

The baddest mother fuckin' bitch

tbmfh meaning

Basically tbmfh = To Be MotherFucking Honest

TBMGYR meaning

1. Toby Maguier. 2. Spiderman 3. Spiderman 2 4. Spiderman 3 5. Spiderman 4 6. Old Veg 7. The G-Spot

TBMLoW meaning

Tomato, Bacon, Mustard, and Lettuce. On white bread of course

TBMO meaning

Too bad; missed out.Commonly in response to someone being too lazy to read something.

TBMP meaning

to be more precise

TBN meaning

Tough break, nigga.

TBND meaning

The Acronym for "Toned but not Defined". Someone who is toned but not defined has noticeable muscles but not to the point where it seems disproportional to the persons body and/or misshapen or "bulky".

TBNFO meaning

Together but not Facebook official.

tbnk meaning

Shorter way of saying the french quebec swear word "tabarnak" (the equivalent of fuck in english)