Tacia meaning and definition

Tacia meaning

The most amazing, smart, funny, beautiful, caring woman in the world. She will never be rivaled in her beauty or excellence. If this were the time of kings, there would be wars declared over her.

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tacidly meaning

Unobviously untactfully, cautiously, placidly

tacie meaning

A word used to describe an amazing person who thinks they're funny(but they're only funny to themselves); someone who laughs at everything and then laughs at it again whenever they think about it; very sweet and kind.

tacing meaning

Hardcore anal

tacion meaning

Primary use is for the action of smoking marijunaia. Also can be another word for a cigarette.

tacious meaning

someone who is extremely friendly as in fast, a synonym to fliatcious but worst. Can also be described as a pimp, player, whatever you call someone touching and teasing several people, in other words being a almost hoe or going into that direction.

Tacit meaning

adj:slang (limit reached)

Tacita meaning

A shy yet well-meaning Draenei transplanted from her native planet, Draenor to Azeroth. As her name implies, Tacita tends to be taciturn and keep to herself. She is studying the ways of the Priestess under the tutelage of The High Priestess Laurena at The Cathedral of Light in Stormwind. On Draenor she had just begun to learn the ways of the Mystics and what the old ones could teach her regarding The Naaru. Tacita has great concern for the souls of those around her and those she loves. Most especially, she wishes to exchange knowledge of a spiritual nature with people of other races and cultures. Tacita is open-minded and willing to at least try to accept new ideas and beliefs. But, she will always fight The Darkness with The Light and the Powers of Good at her disposal. Of the utmost importance to her is Ayashii, her beautiful Lifemate, without whom she would never have made it so far in life.

Tacito meaning

A talking mug cup that is always used by mikey way in the fan comic way.smackjeeves.com it stands for Tea And Coffee Intelligent Talking Operator

taciturn meaning

an adj that describes someone who doesn't talk too much

tac job meaning

Getting jerked off with a taco shell.