Tacklenom meaning and definition

Tacklenom meaning

tacklenom.... v, to tacklenom is the action of a person lovingly leaping upon another person in a tackling embrace before nomming on them. Generally used in text form, to describe your extreme joy at seeing someone or welcoming a new member to your society.

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tackle punch meaning

what Shaq does to coworkers

tacklesnug meaning

A greeting used where you come at someone with a snug so hard and fast that it's also a tackle. It's a term mostly used by online roleplayers.

Tackle Tackle meaning

Use of strong meaning word during a serious game of Men's Rugby

tackle tickler meaning

Slang term for a male homosexual. Extension of the word tackle

Tackle Wrangler meaning

A straight woman or gay man who has good sex skills. To have good skills in handling a penis.


The area of a basketball court where it is a one on one no holds barred match where the winner will do whatever he can to secure the ball and get out of the tacklezone.

TACKLIC meaning

(Pronounced Tack-Lick)1.Generally referring to a conversation or information that is useless or meaningless or self-indulgent2. A boring or uninteresting place or situation.

Tackling meaning

(Verb) Important Military tactic. To run or swiftly walk behind an unsuspecting person without being seen, grab them by the waist tighty, strongly trust them (shouting "penis!" is optional) and make a quick get-away.Make sure a hiding spot is decided beforehand if necessary.

tackling a giraffe meaning

trying to fuck a freakishly tall female

tackling bears meaning

is when you go out in persuit of bbw's/bm. in hopes to have sexual incounters. ie; a fam you like'em big huh? ain't nothing wrong with tackling bears.