Tadazzeling meaning and definition

Tadazzeling meaning

(Ta-daz-zel-ing) adj. 1. Object described as sparkling, and insanely awesome at the same time. 2. An overeactive response meaning OK.

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Tadbait meaning

Something that attracts lolicon addicts, without the use of any sexual reference. It applies almost exclusively to Japanese art and animation of women, and more often overly cute young girls. Its misleading nature shows its relation to the Tadocromicon.

TADBAR meaning

Take A Deep Breath And Relax! TADBAR is an acronym of the above phrase. The first letter of each word. To be used when someone is all emo and out of control, losing their composure.

tad bit meaning

1) A small amount of something. Almost insignificant, but significant enough to be define-able.

tadbitwinkle meaning

a little bit; a small amount.

tadcaster meaning

The best town in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!! Its in the middle of York and Leeds. John smiths lager is made there :)

tadcole meaning

A short man with the name Cole

Tadd meaning

a)a player who tries to get as many girls as he can to like him. but really is kinda stupid or (b) somebody who uses tells somebody they like them within a week of meeting them, to get some ass

tadda meaning

An undefined pile of something. It could be anything. A pile of clothes for example. Usually an accumulative pile that builds over time through neglect, such as clothes, or dishes.It can also be used to describe a figurative pile, like when one is going through stress at work.

taddagle meaning

Small Penis and Gargantuan Testes. Common in White Males.

taddak meaning

it's tacky or messy, an untidy person, as in really just so messy, Its a nice way of telling someone they are clumsy and untidy.