Tadger Toalie meaning and definition

Tadger Toalie meaning

A piece of poop found under the foreskin after having anal sexAKA boabie joabie or muddy helmet and foreskin fajita

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tadgh meaning

A absolute sex bomb.

Tadhg meaning

Tadhg is the name which is the product of incoherent angstful shouting, and kerboard-bashing. The term 'Tadhg' can be used as an adjective, and is sometimes used as a way of expressing/venting emotions: - (refer to 'HUGHES')

Tadhg Og meaning

When one uses the excuse "nah, bate" to avoid attending a group social occasion such as drinking or playing poker (or a combination of both activities) and instead stays at home drinking green tea and watching big brother.

Tadia meaning

One of the coolest people known to man. She has so much swag and loves Mumford and Sons.

Tadic meaning

verbto tear the flap of skin between a male taint and genitalia. ("Ta" from "taint", "dic" from "dick")Often occurs from improper seating in an automobile. Occasionally occurs from attempting a near impossible sexual position.

tadiddle meaning

Another word for describing a medium sized penis.

tading meaning

A useless fuck.

Tadinha meaning

Poor girl

tadinking meaning

To flirt. Take a stroll and find someone to hit on, mess with, flirth with. Tadinking is a verb and can be writtin as ta dinking or used a a noun tadink, ta dink

Tadisha meaning

Tadisha's have a great sense of humor. Most tadisha's are scorpios. Their very nice. But can snap your neck in a second, they tend to have big eyes so you CANNOT hide anything from them, tadisha's are independent. But once they find love they won't give up on their lover until their pushed past the limit. They are tall and can get ghetto on yo ass real quick. And their especially beautiful, AMAZING in bed. And can take ANY dick like its nothing, but prefer black males