Taffee meaning and definition

Taffee meaning

A woman that is very caring. She will be a great mother and has a very sensitive soul. At times will yell out of anger but always means well.

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taffel meaning

when you scream extreme insults then you realise its the wrong person

Taffer meaning

A word invented by the now-defunct Looking Glass Studios, used as a slang term in their 'First-Person Sneaker' release, Thief: The Dark Project (So named because of the games engine, which is simply called 'Dark' because of it's innovative use of light and darkness in gameplay.) Taffer, insofar as the game environment is defined--is a bastardization of the word 'Trickster', a pagan deity with druidic tendencies. Much in the same way that the interjection 'Geez' in our English language is a bastardization of 'Jesus', the Christo-Catholic Messiah. No direct denotation is given to the word 'Taffer', but from it's use, we can take it to be synonymous with many different nouns depending on how it's used. It can also be used as a verb: Thief, Fool, Jerk, Joker, etc.

Taffet meaning

Dumbfounded; being unaware of what is going on.

tafff meaning

when someone is taking a long time between exercises in the gym, this may involve pretending to go to the toilet or just starting a conversation with strangers in order to prolong ones set.

taffia meaning

organised crime in the South Wales vallies (cross between taffies and Mafia)

Taffie meaning

A Unicorn. A Beauty of desire that is unattainable. Complicated and intriguing.

Taffing meaning

The act of making a noise by hitting your abdominal muscles with your penis. For best results, one needs 1) to lie down and 2) to have a semi Flaccid or erect penises do not work so well as the former is too soft to make a loud enough noise and the latter is less mobile. A group of 'taffers' may be able to create beats as each taffer will usually create a noise with a slightly different pitch to that of his fellow taffers.

taffle meaning

(v) taffle - to knot up, like hair, string or wool, so that it is difficult to unwind.(adj) taffled (up) - knotted in an irksome manner(v) - untaffle - to unravel, usually with difficulty

taff lite meaning

taff litesomeone who is from Wales but doesn't have an accent and claims not to like dragons.

Tafflyn meaning

A Tafflyn is a beautiful, hard working, stunning lady. She never gets enough of what she should e.g. Money, love, and credit. Only few can see her true self, what she's hiding inside.Taff/Tafflyn is a Welsh name. Taff's are very unique and loving, always looking out for their loved ones.Tafflyn's have feeling too, even if they do look like mythical angels because of their dazzling beauty and gorgeous heart, they're humans like us. You all need to respect that, because Tafflyn's are 1 in a million.And I know, so you should too:)