Tafri meaning and definition

Tafri meaning

Tafri: Hindi slang for idle fun. (Used mainly by the campus crowd, especially in North India.)

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tafsgin meaning

A very annoying person. Often found in shanty apartments, eating watermelon and drinking soda and/or Kool-Aid.

Tafsir meaning

A very dark-skinned, short thing that looks like a human but is actually a rat. This thing is usually very ugly.

taf ssa meaning

1. "fat ass" spelled backwards, usually denotes a girl with a nice, round, buttock

Taft meaning

(Verb) To have sex in a bathtub. Derived from President William Taft, who got stuck in a bathtub.

tafta meaning

Tafta is a stupid boy.He gets triggered over everything.He is the most retarded boy ever.

taft boy meaning

male adolescents who wish they were hot enough and good enough at sports to get some fine hotchkiss ass.

taftco meaning

Another name for a group of gay men. Their deity is justin bieber and they worship him day and night. They recognize members by wearing clothing depicting a sun logo.

tafted meaning

To be "Tafted" is to screw someone else in an extreme fashion, as if you have forcibly lodged them in a bathtub. Also implies that you are too obese to fit into a standard-sized bathtub Refers to William Howard Taft, 27th President of the US who got stuck in the White House bathtub due to his extreme weight (>330 lbs, largest of any president).

Tafter meaning

the time in which the penis enters the vaginal arena.

tafter-burn meaning

the serious burning sensation and pain felt the day after you get inked, when your natural endorphins and adrenaline wear off.