Tagapalooza meaning and definition

Tagapalooza meaning

The day after an event involving multiple photos and/or videos being uploaded to Facebook, with multiple taggings taking place.

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tagaphobic meaning

To have a fear or phobia of being tagged in photos on Facebook or in status updates or posts on Twitter.

tagar meaning

Really cheap computer sold only through the chain previously known as radioshack. Usable for basic computing, but otherwise useless for any hard tasks. (like starting up)

Tagarbage meaning

While serving in the Navy we frequently visited the Philippines. Most of the ladies from there always spoke Tagalog the local language. We didn't know what the fuck they were saying so we called it Tagarbage.

tagaret meaning

n. an opportunity for a student, or a group of students, to create something.

Tagasaurus Rex meaning

Someone who far too regularly tags photos on Facebook at every possible occasion. These photos are usually unwanted.

TagaShagging meaning

The act of having sexual intercourse or oral sex with a female, then writing your name upon them with your semen or "tagging" them your name is usually written in Graffiti style as it has to be quick.

Tagass meaning

One who tags regions of a digital photograph with incorrect, inappropriate, or disrespectful captions.

tag attack meaning

When you get excited about New Music that you've heard for the first time and you start "Tagging" all your friends on FaceBook.

tagay meaning

a Filipino word means SHOT or to chug

Tagazine meaning

One who lies, this is typically some one who is dishonest over the long run. This person usually doesn't try to defend themselves, just remains silent, only admitting to guilt by thier own silence.