Talk That Talk meaning and definition

Talk That Talk meaning

Talk that talk means to speak that shit. Talk that talk is like when someone says "Preach". They can say talk that talk. Also can mean to speak your mind. To speak what's on your mind, what your are thinking, what you wanna say, what you are saying.

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talk the ass off a brass monkey meaning

somebody who talks a lot

Talk the ears off a wooden Indian meaning

used to describe someone with with an amazing capacity to talk endlessly, often with few breaks or pauses and limited clarity of thought.

Talk the Talk meaning

Talk the Talk means to talk honestly about something yourself. Someone that talks the talk talks with integrity, honesty,loyalty, and love.

talk the talk and walk the walk meaning

If you can't keep your, put your money where you mouth is.

talkthrough meaning

The process of providing a step-by-step guide to another person using only voice commands and explanations, thus eliminating the requirement for a written walkthrough or face-to-face tutorial.

talk to meaning

A come-on, or a proposition. Express interest in regards to dating or hooking up.

talk to a bear meaning

When you're camping and you have to shit so bad that you walk off with some t.p. and squat next to a tree and poo.

talk-toable meaning

Someone who is very easy to talk to. Can be talked to about any subject that the talker wants to talk about. Can often be found dispensing useful advice, empathizing or telling bad jokes to see who laughs.

talk to a man about a dog meaning

A polite way to tell people you have to take a dump