Tall Snackys meaning and definition

Tall Snackys meaning

40 ounce beer

Read also:

tallstaffed meaning

Another word for being cock slapped

tall stoner meaning

A person who smokes a lot of weed and is proud of it.

Tall Syndrome meaning

There's a time where you reach a point in your life when you are tall, beautiful, and hilarious. And everybody is jealous of you. This is called Tall Syndome.

tall t meaning

1. A t-shirt where the torso is longer than normal2. The owner of the world

talltail meaning

An obnoxious kayak fisherman that often resorts to catching Sheephead when all else fails. Also renowned for screaming out "A Poorman's Tarpon" when hooked up with a Ladyfish. Often seen with a Flounder Pounder

Tall Tales meaning

Stories most often spouted from a Dillhole. Mostly boasted about in forums.

tall tea meaning

.99 cent big can Arizona Iced-T of any flavor. Usually found in gas stations and general stores nah mean. Best deal EVER! Not to be confused with a tall tee nah mean.

Tall Tee meaning

A long T-Shirt that runs down to your knees,and people usually into Hip-Hop wear it.

Tall Tee Wedgie meaning

Occurs when a shirt (usually a tall tee) which goes past the buttocks becomes lodged between both cheeks.

Tall Ting meaning

1. Tall Ting is urban slang for a tall or leggy women; often a women of color, but can refer to any woman.2. Female models are often called Tall Tings.