Tamberina meaning and definition

Tamberina meaning

A female with the name "Tamara" who is a crazy wild sexy child

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Tamberly meaning

1. A very rare name for a person, a Tammy/Kimberly hybrid. Tamberlys are naturally destructive, yet gentle in their own way.2. An extremely advanced state of drunkeness.

Tambidextrous meaning

Hitting it at night, and then again in the morning

tambis meaning

From the latin "tambe" meaning to be cowardly or sissy like.

tambish meaning

An unexpected, almost unbelievable miracle/gift from god/ help in an emergency in disguise.

tambit meaning

The male figure seen on street signs and pedesterian stops lights. He is often seen in action (walking).

Tambles meaning

Acts as a curse word. Means the same as every cuss word ever!

tamblian meaning

tamblian- Terrible l33t that only few can understand. Started by TambleHeadMonster!

Tambloreando meaning

Spanish -to know how to party, the right way

Tamblyns meaning

Can never follow through

tambo meaning

cassies little princess ;o)