Tamil Toe meaning and definition

Tamil Toe meaning

Double-Entendre meaning: 1. The massive Dravidian Glans Penis itself, or the visible toe-sized protuberance it forms against the fabric of lower garments; or 2. Digit on a Dravidian foot.Due to Allen's Rule in biology, the erect Dravidian Penis is frequently 1 foot long. Hence, the head itself is often the size of a big toe, & the shaft nears the length of the rest of the foot. Due to this resemblance in size & shape, the Dravidian glans is known as "Tamil Toe".Moreover, as this glans retains much of its size & hardness when quiescent, a large bulge is often formed in the groin region of clothed Dravidian men. This protrusion is also referred to as "Tamil Toe". In contrast, there is no "Aryan Toe" as the Aryan Penis retracts to a ridiculously small size & a totally soft state when quiescent.This term has a hoary history, alluding to a Ramayanic legend, preserved in heterodox & non-Aryan versions, where Sita draws, not the foot, but the Big Toe of Ravana. Thus, in a Telugu Womens' Version, "Even Sita's chastity is open to doubt: the picture episode suggests that Sita harbors a hidden desire to sleep with Ravana, her drawing of Ravana's big toe making veiled reference to his sex organ." ('A Ramayana of their own: Women's oral tradition in Telugu'. Velcheru Narayana Rao. In 'Many Ramayanas: The Diversity of a Narrative Tradition in South Asia'. ed. Paula Richman. pt.2, art.6, pp. 114-36. Berkeley: Univ of California Press, 1991, p.129)

Tamil Toe meaning

A revealing area seen in a tight pair of slacks which reveal one's Tamil ancestry.

Tamil Toe meaning

The Sri Lankan equivalent of the Camel Toe (or Male Moose Knuckle) Often occurs in prolonged periods in the jungle, freedom fighting. Rarely seen in India and is known as the Hindi Hoof.

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A sexual act in which neither partner may wash their pubic hair (the shrub), for at least one month. then the involved parties must lick their respective partners "shrub". in the final act of taming the shrub each partner must pluck out his or her lovers unwashed pubic hair with a pair of tweezers that they use regularly. extremely pleasureful if done right.

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taking a piss with a boner