Tangied meaning and definition

Tangied meaning

From the verb to "Tangy" To screw over or fuck over either someone else or yourself.Origin: From the infamous 21st century scumbag James Bernard Tangney who was renowned for fucking over everyone and generally being an unpleasant influence on people's lives and his own.Use: Ruaridh was in the bathroom when James rubbed the end of his pecker on Ruaridhs drink. He really tangied Ruaridh through this action.

Tangied meaning

From the verb to "Tangy" To screw over or fuck over either someone else or yourself.Origin: From the infamous 21st century scumbag James Bernard Tangney who was renowned for fucking over everyone and generally being an unpleasant influence on people's lives and his own.Use: Ruaridh was in the bathroom when James rubbed the end of his pecker on Ruaridhs drink. He really tangied Ruaridh through this action.

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Tangiered meaning

To be hustled out of a lot of money only to be followed by getting a mean case of the shits, much like what happens in Tangiers.

tangie town meaning

shag district as in Maggie m'gill by The doors

tangika meaning

A tanghoochi or cancerous vag. Known for its nasty smell and Internet level of autism.

Tangilize meaning

To make Tangible through imagination

tangina meaning

Filipino slang for "Excuse me". It's use is most appropriate during meals.

tangina mo meaning

it means excuse me

Tanginator meaning

A perfectionist term used to define the glorious, most superb, ingenious, incredibly excellent tangy.

tanginetics meaning

tan·gi·net·ics (tănjěnětĭks) n. (used with a sing. verb)The theoretical study of the integration processes between actuality or human existence and the cyber or virtual world, especially the merging of these discernible processes into the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other product of human work or thought.1. Late Latin tangibilis, from Latin tangere, to touch; see tag- in Indo-European roots. 2. Greek kubernts, governor, from kubernn, to governtangi·netic adj. tangi·neti·cal·ly adv

Tanging meaning

Puking after a a night of partying, finishing off a bottle of rum, drinking a gallon of tang, and eating a single cheerio.

tangints meaning

n: A youtube series based on funny Halo moments. v: To throw a hissy fit or a crazy moment.