Tango Quebec meaning and definition

Tango Quebec meaning

Too Queer, as in FUBAR. Radio alphabetic code denoting a situation in which all sense and practical function has broken down.

Tango Quebec meaning

Too Queer, as in FUBAR. Radio alphabetic code denoting a situation in which all sense and practical function has broken down.

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Tangorade meaning

Tang and Gatorade mixed together. Makes a delicious beverage.

Tangoralementine meaning

A mix between a tangerine, orange and a clementine. It's a very rare fruit that can only found in Kitchener-Waterloo

Tangorape meaning

Definition One: Rape while doing the tango (or any upbeat dance). Definition Two: The opposite of Salonrape, where the victim's hair is messed up, usually using hairspray.

Tangorian Cross meaning

An award given to terrorists when they kill two or more enemies, the highest award given to tangos

Tangorra meaning

A fat, stupid, racist person.

Tangorrhea meaning

Tangorrhea is an STI transmitted by the engagement of tanging one self up or otherwise. A common disease, symptoms may involve the wearing of bling and they may become chav. There is no cure as of yet.

tango shebango meaning

synonym of awesome or cool, used by only the hippest cats.

tango sierra meaning

Tango Sierra UK Police/Military phonetic alphabet for T and S means Tough Shit

tango sierra foxtrot oscar meaning

Tango sierra foxtrot oscar from the phonetic alphabet translates as tough shit fuck off. Used quite a bit in the kitchens of uk chefs and military institutions.

tangos in the burger town meaning

Term used in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. It can also be used describe a place or event u really don't want to go to, and or is full of people you don't want to be around.