Tanice meaning and definition

Tanice meaning

This is a Mac-Daddy who gets HYPHY and PARTIES and is awesome

Tanice meaning

This is a Mac-Daddy who gets HYPHY and PARTIES and is awesome

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taniese meaning

One hott, sexxy bitch

Taniesha meaning

the best female ever she comes in the big 3 which are : 1.)Carena 2.)Taniesha 3.)Nia and everyone loves her she stands up for lots she is #2 because a Carena just has the talent of singing but Taniesha can play any instrument such as woodwind and brass and she loves cats and dogs

taNIGGAmy meaning

It is a fatal, family wrecking disease usually contracted by women of the white race, where the infected precious white meat gets the urge to fuck men of the ape black race. They are then considered by white men to be as distasteful than women with aids. They are damaged goods, and race traders.

taniguchi meaning

Someone who is a whore and bitch and knows it!

Tanijah meaning

A fucking meme machine. Tanijah is the meme princess. She claims memes. She fucking has her own meme collection. she can shoot a fucking meme right out of her ass.

tanijal meaning

A cool, sexy petite darkskin girl that is a little ghetto but you can still get alone with her

Tanika meaning

The best hottest and funniest girl you could ever come along, she will make your legs give up when you fall for her!❤️

tanikin skywalker meaning

someone who tans to the point of becoming somewhat orange and is a douche.someone who tans in general and is a douche or a whiny little git.

Tanil meaning

The most bad ass, beautiful, gorgeous woman in the history of the world. So beautiful that is it difficult to look directly at her for more than a few moments at a time.

Tanille meaning

Often associated with the Goddess Aphrodite and Athene. Her beauty draws you through the thickest crowds before her wisdom and incite into the world will open your eyes and have you mesmorised and wanting more. She is the one that people flock towards for her kind nature, outgoing personality and sense of humour. Clumsy is often a word that describes her but only adds to how cute she portrays herself. Her eyes are magnets that can calm the roughest seas and create a moment of intense peace. A cute smile from her can cause buildings to fall, hearts to crumble and blood to run from stones but upset her and you will feel the wrath of a thousand storms. Once touched your life will change.