ta gueule meaning and definition

ta gueule meaning

French slang/argot expression to demand silence in a violent or immediate way: 1. shut up; shut your trap/gob/hole, etcetera. 2. While sufficient when used alone, is frequently combined with a descriptive noun that is usually insulting, vulgar or rude (often all three).

ta gueule meaning

French expression: 'shut up !'

ta gueule meaning

Originally \"Gueule\" meant \"mouth of an animal.\" Today it can mean mouth, face, or throat.

ta gueule meaning

gueule-french expression that means the mouth of an animal ta-the french word for your

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taguhi meaning

A young woman who wears 16 layers of clothing when its 100 degrees outside. Stays inside the house for months to avoid getting a tan. Someone who listens to rock underground emo bands, and shoots insulin into pancreas when not needed.

TAGUL meaning

The Amazing Guy You Love

Tagumasi meaning

An extremely rare family name, originating from the Philippines. A wealthy and strong bloodline, the Tagumasi have also been rumored to have been trained in the art of ninjitsu (ninja). Also referred to as "Tag".

Tag-Up meaning

In the bases metaphor for hooking up with women... Tagging up is when you are at one base (such as 1st base, makingout) and you move to go for the next base (2nd- grabbing boob)... and you get denied by the girl. You then return to your original base and await for your next opportunity.

tagus meaning

Any living thing, anything dope

Tagversation meaning

When there is a photo on Facebook with numerous people tagged, and two or more people decide to have a conversation in the comment box, sending an email to everyone tagged for each message they post. Easily avoidable by changing preferences, but nobody has the patience to do that. Also caused by someone that has gone commental.

tag video meaning

Tag Videos are online videos which are posted on media sharing websites, such as Youtube or Dailymotion. Usually a person will post a video answering 5-20 random questions about his/herself and then ask other people to answer the same questions.Most of the time the questions will be related to culture, language, and where a person has lived or was born. Many of these videos will ask a person to answer questions in their native language or accent or in a foreign language or accent.

Tagwa meaning

She is flawlessly gorgeous but doesn't know it. She is a queen of her own kingdom. The way she cares for people is undescribable. Her positive energy and beautiful smile could light up an entire city. She will give everything she has to the one she will love. Tagwa has an outgoing personality and an amazing sense of humor. She never fails to make people laugh or smile. She is rare and one of a kind. If you find her, don't let her go.

Tag-Wag meaning

An acronim for: Thought A Guy Was A Girl Used when that happens to you or another personm,can also be reversed.

Tag wail meaning

When a dog wags it's tail from side to side, forward and backward, or up and down, especially rapidly and repeatedly.