tabitos meaning and definition

tabitos meaning

tuh-bee-toes Slang. Can mean many different kinds of snacks, for example: burritos, taquitos, tostitos, fritos, rollitos, Doritos, Sun Chips, etc.

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tabkey meaning

The default button in many multiplayer games, such as Half-Life and mods, to check on other players, scores, ping, and other stuff.

tabla meaning

An Indian/Middle Eastern musical instrument consisting of two finely tuned drums called the Bayan (larger of the two) and the Dayan (smaller of the two). This instrument is used mostly during worship and performances.

tabladouche meaning

n. an individual that perpetuates douche-baggery upon the receipt of a brand-new limited tablet device. Douche-baggery consists of, but is not limited to: constantly referencing the rarity and adaptability of said device, or the ease and bargain paid upon acquisition.

Tablature meaning

Musical letters for weird musical types (esp. guitar). Used by people who depress others with their guitar playing in a large communal area by playing Jack Johnson ballads or Damien Rice derges.

Tablay meaning

The Collective term of tablets. 1 or 2 tablet is tablet, but seven or 8 tablay, well thats tablay!

tablazing meaning

gettin high and hitting the slopes on the sled.

table meaning

An inanimate object that James Hetfield of Metallica claims to be.

table 14 meaning

The craziest muther fuckers around - these kids are the shit. They always seem to be in trouble yet try hard not to be. Don't get on the wrong side of this pack But once your in then it's forever bruh except if you dicks before chicks - don't do that dude. The cool , so cool - if you not them you wanna be them - YOLOS E T M K B D T

Table 9 meaning

Being so 'uncool' that within a large group of people your deliberately isolated and stuck with all the rejects.

Table-9er meaning

One who attempts to be different without real effort, i.e. shopping at Hot Topic, and listening to bands such as Disturbed and Trapt.