Tabo meaning and definition

Tabo meaning

A bucket Filipinos use to wash their ass.

Tabo meaning

When something looks bad. Used to comment on others appearance.

Tabo meaning

Means Taco, cept with a B. Cause in the stupid T-9 on my damn phone, it doesnt seem to have Taco. Taco, no longer is the word, for Taco. TABO is. Apparently.

Tabo meaning

1)When you're not quite sure what to type into a text message. 2)An awkward-moment-filler in any conversation. 3)A nice closure word.

Tabo meaning

man with small penis

Read also:

tabochistry meaning

The big problem of the day that has no real word to explain it.

Tabof meaning

Thats A Bunch OF Foolishness pron.Tab'of a polite way of saying "bullshit"

tabogan meaning

a sled, better when made of wood, used to slide down steep things, such as hills or that shit on takeshi's castle. they are fuckin' fun get one. Also if you didnt know what one was and were looking it up to find out, you're a window licker

taboggin meaning

almost the same exact thing as a donkey punch, except that it is performed at the top of a stair case. When the female turns around, you crack her in the jaw, then pull her arms back and ride her down the stairs like a taboggin!

Tabogin meaning

A very common mis-spelling of the word: "Toboggan"

tabogolicous meaning

extremely delicious

tabogon meaning

when you are on top of the stairs and are having sex doggy style and knock the womans front legs out and ride her down the stairs.

Taboholic meaning

Someone who's on the internet and has like 55 tabs open at once.

tabolt meaning

a complete and total cocky prick with messed up teeth

TABOMA meaning

Take A Bite Out Of My Ass