Tabulitus meaning and definition

Tabulitus meaning

The condition in which a computer user's internet browser window becomes overloaded with to many tabs and as a result the user panics because he/she cant find the tab they are looking for.

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tabulous meaning

Term inspired by the fabulousnessof Tab soda. Used by tabaholics to describe pleasant things.

tabunga do meaning

too ratchet to function

tabuter meaning

Tablet Computer, as in a Microsoft Surface or similar, it's a tablet but also a computer. When you use the apps, it's a tablet, but when you use full windows, it's a computer.

tabuu meaning

The last boss in the video game Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii platform. Is annoying as hell even on the easy difficulty.

tabvapped meaning

The act of getting so high on "tabs" or LSD that you can't walk. Created by 3 friends from Minnesota one night it resulted from 2 random letters, favorite fruits, and underwear.

tabversation meaning

1. A conversation that happens to be centered around a group of people sitting at a table. 2. Loosely, a type of conversation where a table is located somewhere in the middle of the group, no matter how large of a table it is.

tab whore meaning

A person who opens an excessive amount of tabs in their browser, and refuses to close them while shouting "They're mine! Mine! You can't take them away from me!"

Tab Whoring meaning

The act of having way too many tabs open 24/7 on their internet browser.

Taby meaning

A hispanic hottie, great in bed, has good parties, and smokes the green. #thug

Tab Yawn meaning

Seeing a fellow bar or restaurant customer ask for a tab therefore causing all surrounding to ask for their tabs as well. Similar to Cell Phone Yawn.