taig meaning and definition

taig meaning

Offensive term used in reference to a catholic in Northern Ireland

taig meaning

a taig is a commonly used slang word in northern ireland.it usually pisses catholics off.

taig meaning

An offensive word used against roman catholics mainly in Norn Iron or scotland.

taig meaning

what the prods(huns) call catholics in northern ireland.

taig meaning

Derogatory name for a Catholic; most often used in the northeast area of Ireland.

taig meaning

Catholics in Northern Ireland who want a United Ireland.

taig meaning

term used to insult all celtic fans used by rangers fans, who dont know the difference between Catholics and protestants

Read also:

Taiga meaning

A gansta's way of saying 'Tiger'

Taigan meaning

very loud and outgoing, loves to be the centre of attention but is very caring to others. very beautiful and has many friends beacause they are a good friend and listener. gets hurt easily and is very emotional. doesnt like being alone and is the life of the party ! She is a one of a kind , treat her right.

taiga roll meaning

tiger roll; pronounced /tī-gƏ rōw/; an unusually small penis; an unusually short, small erection; used as discrimination against boys of Asian descent and their genitalia in the city of Fremont, California, and neighboring areas

taigen meaning

fucking awesome at sexual pleasure. can do basically anything they want and get away with it. can be a very hot, whipped character SEXYMAN

taighlor meaning

A snooty person you do not want to be around. They laugh at you when you screw up, but are in disbelief when they do something wrong. Pretty much just a jerk.

Tai Gip meaning

A handsome laid-back guy that every girl seems to fall for.A guy with a lot of chemistry and an astonishing amount of charisma.

tai-gira meaning

best gf ever and tai-gira is great in bed

taigmear meaning

A cool guy who one day will flood radio stations with music that will light up the whole world.

Tai Haruru meaning

Originates from the Moari Language meaning 'Roaring Tide'. Also used to explain an elevated level of Mussness

Taihiana meaning

someone who is chill, layd back. she is most caring about her close family and friends. she likes to have a independent kind of fun. she dont like to be betrayed and or used. she will not talk to you and will give you the meanest definition of "you are not my friend". unique, loyal and trustworthy. will never do you wrong until you do her.