takya meaning and definition

takya meaning

A lover. Someone who will give you they all Judy because they love you. Very sensitive and easily heartbroken. Often beautiful and outspoken. Care free and ambitious. Normally independent but crave affection from other. Loves to talk and communicate. Makes relationships last. Really great in bed

takya meaning

A Non Friendly Female ; Dosent Like To Be Bothered By Either Genders ; Focused More On Her Self & Not Relationships With Friends Or BoyFriends . . . Soft In The Inside But Dosent Show It Because Of Her Past With Others ; Defined As A Female Who Dosent Give A Fuck Unless Your Talking About Coming Up On A Bank Roll .

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takyla meaning

a black girl with fake boobs and swollows and showers in her period blood

takyon meaning

A popular song by the experimental hip-hop duo Death Grips. Not to be confused by the faster-than-light-particle known as a Tachyon.

Takyra meaning

Outgoing, Funny, Cute, Hot, Loves running! FREAK IN THE BEDROOM!

Taky Wayhard meaning

The alter-ego. Someone who enjoys the rape brought on by her friend and has a strange obsession with touching. Taky thinks about things before she does them, and even after considering the consequences, she does them anyway.

Tal meaning

This word/name usually describes a godly figure, one who tends to have a best friend named reggie. Tal is an accepted term that can be permitted in any word. For example, simply placing tal in any specific spot within a known word is acceptabtal in any language. Tal will soon create his own nation, ie: taloosh

Tala meaning

A Palm Tree, but when it originates from Tunis and is grown in Lebanon, it tends to be a Girl, during which she will have the purest of souls, and a heart more lively than a sunflower, she will have a brain made from Einstein Concentrate, will love like a fierce tiger, and when duty calls can be used as a personal defense mechanism, aside from her perfectionist personality and peak super human mental capacities she comes with a vibrant luminous face with big luscious lips, soft tender skin, and the behind of a goddess. Can be used as a substitute for the following words; Awesome - Jello - Stupendous - Sushi - and the phrase "i dont want to move an inch"

talaar meaning

sitting bank of pond. dogri word,spoken in north india

Talaat meaning

A Hard-working sex god. He usually forgets to eat but when he does, the plate disappears in a matter of seconds. Also called Taloot sometimes

talaba meaning

Filipino word meaning oyster. Often used to refer to a woman's vagina, especially when eaten. As in cunnilingus.

TALABAN meaning

Truly Acting Like A Bitch Ass Nigga