talentless cunt meaning and definition

talentless cunt meaning

a person (often a woman) who lacks talent yet feels that they are entitled to special treatment, as if they were talented.

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Talentless Hack meaning

A person who has attained a position of importance through no ability of their own. Most of them are aware that they are frauds and their insecurities lead to belligerence when challenged.

Talent-less nut-less hacks meaning

Those who will post a band on Urban Dictionary, talk shit about that band, then go scream into a microphone, and call it music. Then after they have successfully convinced everyone to commit suicide, they will go home, cut them selves, and touch themselves listening to another screamo band

talentless slut meaning

One of the most popular professions throughout the world. Known for having a high salary, high demand, and large projected growth.

Talentless Swine meaning

A person that has less than zero talent. He/She usually thinks they have the ability to make a film.

Talentless Trash meaning

Someone, usually named Rolf, lacking talent and eyebrows, commonly seen posting cringey tweets/photos and singing horrible songs with an awful voice.

talent manager meaning

A person hired to con and scout kids at malls and in front of major super markets. Usually exchanging money for a promised career in acting and modeling.

Talent, Oregon meaning

The worst town in the world, get the fuck out of here or it will drag you down.

Talent Sale meaning

The current state of the IT job market caused by higher than normal unemployment rates. Companies are discovering that they can attract talented, highly qualified candidates at lower wages than they have in the past.

talent scout meaning

Noun. A man (usually) who is constantly on the look out for attractive young women or 'talent' to conquer.

talent scouting meaning

When a guy or girl goes somewhere like the movies, fiesta texas, beach, etc & looks for someone to holler at . Somone who looks really attractive & has "talent" such as either a big dick, huge boobs, or big ass.