talk shit meaning and definition

talk shit meaning

1. To say something uncalled-for or rude 2. To say something for the purpose of instigating a strong (possibly negative) reaction 3. To speak lies behind a person's back 4. To make empty threats

talk shit meaning

Three main definitions: 1.) To say something insulting or rude about another person, either to their face or behind their back. 2.) To make a statement that is exaggerated or flat-out untrue 3.) To say something negative behind someone's back that you wouldn't say to their face.

talk shit meaning

To exagerate greatly, to out and out lie, especially when concerning one's own accomplishments.

talk shit meaning

To have a random talk with some over nothing or have no meaning what so ever

Read also:

Talk Shit, Eat Shit meaning

When someone is talking shit and they continue to run their mouth, and you beat the shit out of them and make them eat shit.

talk shit get hit meaning

If someone talks shit to you in an online game, you get their IP adress and ddos them

Talk Shit, Get Hit meaning

A phrase that basiclly means if you piss someone of then they'll tear your fuckin face up with brass knuckles. The phrase 'Talk Trash, Get Brass' has the same concept.

talk shop meaning

When two or more people discuss a common interest, job, or hobby.

talk show meaning

A Television program that shows alot of people talking about things that will never be retained by the human brain long enough to make any kind of substantial differance in our lives whatsoever.

talk show cow meaning

Those fat bitches on Jerry Springer who have secret love affairs with their sister/brother/mother/father.

Talk_Show_Host meaning

1 word: dumbass

Talksick meaning

The condition of talking constantly with little or no substance. Non-communicative talking, resulting in noise toxicity. Pronounced 'toxic'.

Talks like a man with a paper ass meaning

Also, talk like a man with a paper ass. Refers to an individual that lacks substance. Can't back up his big talk, bragging.

Talk slut meaning

One who is an exclusively vocal slut. May be a male or female, regardless the definition encompasses those who project sexuality despite their lack of a substantial sex life (or the presence of their virginity) and those who frequently pursue or entertain the interests of a potential paramour with no intention of committing or acting on an attraction that may or may not even exist.