tallyschwag meaning and definition

tallyschwag meaning

To "f" from the back

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Tallyslap meaning

n. tally 1.A sharp blow made with the tally; a wang smack, dong slap. 2.A slap to the tally. v. tallyslapped, tallyslapping, tallyslaps 1. To strike with a tally. 2. To cause to strike sharply and loudly with a tally: “He swung his hip violently and tallyslapped him in the eye.” 3. To put or place quickly or carelessly with the tally: tallyslapped butter on a bagel. 4. To recieve a slap to the tally. Tallyslap² n. Vulgar Slang 1. Used as an insult; "You dirty tallyslap!" Tallyslap n. 1. A highly advanced stage, or "digivolved" version, of gonorrhea. 2. A type three stage of the clap resulting in the falling off of the everything; (1)The Clap. (2) The Tallyclap. (3) Tallyslap.

tally telly meaning

Television broadcasted game results

Tally Torpedo meaning

This occurs when I am giving Tally a rimmer and she farts in my face, but is so relaxed that she accidently shits in my mouth.

Tally-Tugboat meaning

When a girl take Tally-Ranch and rubs its HIV/AIDS infested contents on a mans dick and then proceeds to jack you off with sandpaper until all of the skin is sanded off.

tally-van meaning

a tally-van is an ice-cream van. They are known as tally-vans because they are usually driven and owned by tallys.

Tally wack meaning

To jack off. Also known as: slippin' the fishy, spanking it, choking the monkey, cranking the pecker, or teaching the one-eyed china man how to dance.

TallyWacked meaning

Partying to the extreme of human limits with the use of alcohol and or drugs.

tally wackered meaning

The act of being tricked into having sexual relations with a transvestite.

tallywacker licker meaning

A term of endearment for the person give ing a blow job