tampster meaning and definition

tampster meaning

a tampon / hamster rapist

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tampsturbation meaning

When your tampon is so huge (like a Tampax Ultra) you can squat up and down and achieve orgasm. Yes, ladies, it can be done!

Tampt meaning

to encourage one to engage in oral or vaginal sexual activity with a woman during her menstruation cycle.Derived from the English "tempt", which is defined by Dictionary/com as: "entice or allure to do something often regarded as unwise, wrong, or immoral."

tamp tap meaning

When you finger a girl and you poke her tampon accidently

Tamptation meaning

That brief moment just after a guy discovers his date is menstruating when he seriously considers going ahead anyway...

Tamp Toss meaning

When tossing a used tampon the moment it departs from the vaginal area.

tampulize meaning

to change your tampon

Tampurse meaning

Small purse used o carry feminine items from the Main larger purse or office desk to the restroom during that time of the month.

tampwn meaning

1. What happens when you play tampon tag with your boyfriend and happen to whack him in the eye with your bloody horror. 2. That thing someone posted on the Internet... Boy, was it sikk.

tampwnd meaning

1. n. the act of getting pwnd in something by a girl or woman 2. v. pwning a girl or woman in something 3. v. having sex with a girl while she's on her period

tampwned meaning

when a guy notices that a girl has left tampons in his bathroom, signifying girlfriend status