tancer meaning and definition

tancer meaning

1. the act of performing auto erotic asphyxiation. 2. can also refer to the act of using one's hand to scoop and cup a woman's breast at a college party

tancer meaning

(Tan-Cer) Cancer from going tanning either outside, indoors (Fake-Baking), or rub-on tanner.

tancer meaning

A combination of the words tan and cancer which describes a severe and unattractive tan someone has acquired from over tanning. An extreme tan in which the person's skin has become so dark and leathery from excessive tanning that the person is at a high risk for developing skin cancer.

tancer meaning

Skin cancer caused by using tanning salons

Read also:

tanch meaning

Another term for the female genitalia.

Tanchangya meaning

Tonchangya is the Synonymous term, An indigenous tribe in Bangladesh, India and Myanmar. The Tanchangya can be both Noun and Adjective.

Tan chicken meaning

Colloquiel term coined in 1999 to describe barbie-like south asian girls with a big ego and poker-straight hair. Pretty only with alotta makeup and known to cluck around rude bois who want to hold hands with them at weddings

Tancho meaning

a male, typically from El Salvador, whom dresses like a ranchero and stares at women's behinds.

tan chuls meaning

Just like saying "Aww crap!"

tanck meaning

The shit. One who is the best at everything. True.

Tan Clan meaning

Typically a grouping of upper classmen in High School that are all girls and are sporting a fake orange tan year-round. They are usually the same people as the "plastics" or "populars"

Tanclining meaning

The act of tanning under the sun while lounging in a recliner.

Tancock meaning

A man so self obsessed he fake tans his cock. usually has enourmous sex appeal to men sex and tries to hide this with outragious banter, but its quite apparent he was innapropriately touched by his estranged uncle in his early teens.horresdous with money and will probably stich his mates up in paying back debt.see also ~ money grabbing cunt great britan abs

tancook meaning

facing the open sea