tape line meaning and definition

tape line meaning

The line at the base of your hair

tape line meaning

A nigga wit a fucked up ass hair line

tape line meaning

The line at the base of your hair

tape line meaning

A nigga wit a fucked up ass hair line

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tape lion meaning

bigger than a tape worm. lives in the stomach of very skinny people. mostly those who eat alot. causes effects like no no sexualism, just look up the term Levi in this dictionary.

tape master flex meaning

a small penis, the blit noodle, the little one, the junior baccon blit, the tiniest penis you will ever see.the tape master flex can be hereditary, if your father or your fathers father has a small penis, you will most liely have the "tape master flex"

Tape Measure Dick meaning

A dick so large it demands a measurement.

Tape monkey meaning

Someone who works in IT operations who's primary role is starting and stopping backups.

tape monster meaning

when your mom tries to wrap a present but instead covers it with tape in order to hide her crappy wrapping job

Tapenga meaning

The Foreskin of a vagina, usually a saggy one.

Tape n Rape meaning

Using duct tape to tie up and possibly gag and/or blindfold your victim ready for you to rape her

tape out meaning

The reason electrical engineers cannot get laid, yet are still F*cked.

Tape pop meaning

To let a whole Album/Cd/Tape play till the endFrom when casset tapes were still used, when they would run out most vehicle tape players would pop them out automaticly

taper meaning

Tools used for stretching ear lobes usually. Not an accessory, but many people do wear them as jewelry. It is not safe though because it can imbalance your ears, since the sides are different sizes. The gauge size is at the bigger end of the taper.