tar beater meaning and definition

tar beater meaning

n. Someone that runs on the road as opposed to running on a soft surface like a track.

tar beater meaning

n. Someone that runs on the road as opposed to running on a soft surface like a track.

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Tarbell meaning

A slang word in the pornographic and fetish industry that is a synonym to "Cleveland Steamer", by definition, it is when someone of the same gender rubs feces on the head of a man's penis, hence the name "Tar" + "Bell", "bell" being the head of the penis since it is shaped like a bell and "tar" represented by the feces (similar to being tarred and feathered). The man will then ejaculate and mix in his semen with the feces.

tarbender meaning

a jovial way of saying Bartender! Done in a manner of how a drunk may say it! How a drunk says Bartender!

Tarbending meaning

Bartending. Serving alcohol.

tar biscuit meaning

Turd, feces, crap, shit, log, load, poop.

Tarble meaning

The younger brother of vegeta with the insanely unfucable wife.Appears in yo son goku and his friends return.

tarbo meaning

Someone that is so garbage every one around them questions weather or not they should punch them in the face

tar boiler meaning

In Scotland this refers to a particulary ugly woman who has not been blessed with good looks.

tarboles meaning

mis-interpretation of "tar balls" @see Jack Johnson's officail site

tarbomb meaning

Often used in the Linux community, (sometimes apple but who cares about dem apples) a TarBomb is a set of files compressed into a single archive (much like a .zip on windoez) this file, when decompressed either contains file locations that cause the file to essentially projectile vomit, explode, and rape all your files while throwing itself all over your computer taking up redonkulus amounts of space and whoring all your folders, and often overwriting many of your documents.

Tarbooshnic meaning

Derogatory term for a Russian black man popular within the ghettos of Moscow and surrounding areas. Extremely insulting.