tax cut meaning and definition

tax cut meaning

When Bush decides to reduce taxes. Sadly, this will never happen because Bush thinks that the key to a better future for his country's citizens is to bomb other countries that pose NO threat to the USA whatsoever.

tax cut meaning

what killed off the budget surplus that we once had.

tax cut meaning

paying the minimum on a credit card and not changing your charging habits.

tax cut meaning

Something George Bush RIGHTFULLY disallowed in favour of attacking Iraq, which was the right thing to do.

tax cut meaning

Tax Cuts is a lie. It is a term used by politians that means : "Vote for me." So, when the President says that that they will apply tax cuts, do not believe them and vote for someone else.

tax cut meaning

When Bush decides to reduce taxes. Sadly, this will never happen because Bush thinks that the key to a better future for his country's citizens is to bomb other countries that pose NO threat to the USA whatsoever.

tax cut meaning

what killed off the budget surplus that we once had.

tax cut meaning

paying the minimum on a credit card and not changing your charging habits.

tax cut meaning

Something George Bush RIGHTFULLY disallowed in favour of attacking Iraq, which was the right thing to do.

tax cut meaning

Tax Cuts is a lie. It is a term used by politians that means : "Vote for me." So, when the President says that that they will apply tax cuts, do not believe them and vote for someone else.

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taxdactory meaning

(n) A long trip our journey.

Taxdancer meaning

A person who stands on the sidewalk or street corner dressed as Uncle Sam, Lady Liberty or of the like. Their intention is to rope you into impulsively stopping at a close by Tax Filing business. Tactics include; Dancing, jumping up and down, or waving a sign, foam finger, pool noodle or any other annoying thing they can think of.

Tax Day Tea Party meaning

When the best people in the world who happen to be people of all races, creeds, colors, amounts of wealth, and ages get together on April 15th to protest big government, over spending, and over taxing by the liberal government that plagues our country.

tax deductible charity organizations meaning

the most stupid fucking thing that pisses the fuck out of me

tax deduction meaning

A name for annoying children, generally in an urban setting where they are not generally tolerated.

tax defund meaning

When one has to pay taxes, not receive a refund.

tax desert meaning

A definite area within a larger city/municipality in which the tax revenue generated is considerably less than the areas around it. Tax deserts often have a relatively large number of abandoned buildings, the Body Mass Index of the average citizen is markedly higher than average.A tax desert often occupies the same space as a food desert- (re: Mari Callagher)

Tax Dodger meaning

To describe a person in higher education like a student

TAXDOGG meaning

an accountant,tax preparer,cpa,tax attorney who can assist someone in taking a bite out of taxes.

Tax drops meaning

Tax frauds