taxable meaning and definition

taxable meaning

if someone meets your personal criteria for having sex with, he or she is 'taxable.'

taxable meaning

if someone meets your personal criteria for having sex with, he or she is 'taxable.'

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Taxachusetts meaning

A term used to describe Massachusetts. Although not the highest taxing state for income taxes, certainly one of the leading states in taxing everything within the boundaries of the state. Mass is a miserable place full of liberals the closer you get to the coast. Problem is, people there don't even realize it. You have to leave the state to have full comprehension of the problem. The East coast version of California...another collection of leftist idiots.

Taxadermized meaning

NOPE Chuck Testa

tax-an-bong meaning

Any asian's version of of their weed bong.

Tax And Spend meaning

To be generous with another persons' time, money, posessions or personal wherewithal in general. This may apply to (1) a person doing so for personal gain or ease or to (2) a person doing so for a third party.

taxanoia meaning

(n.): The unwarranted fear of taxes.

taxanoid meaning

(n.): A person who perceives any tax as being unjustly directed at them, personally and unjustly.

Taxanya meaning

A word used to refer someone who abuses power by being obsessed with taxing. This taxing is not just with money, extending to other areas of life like breathing, walking, and Facebook. No creature in life, not even babies and bears, are allowed to resist the taxes. If you don't pay the Taxanya the tax, there are permanent consequences.

tax a snitch meaning

1) To use force or scare tactics to get the money that's owed to someone, usually for drugs.2) To exact revenge or payment from someone who has snitched.

Taxass meaning

A sore, aching ass caused from sitting for too many hours working on State and Federal Income Taxes. An irritating condition, confined to the ass region, caused by siting for long periods of time.

Taxation meaning

Government sponsored sodomy.