TCDC meaning and definition

TCDC meaning

Too complicated, don't care.

TCDC meaning

Too complicated, don't care.

Read also:

tcdcpc meaning

take care, domestic care and public care

TCDD meaning

T.C.D.D. is, a man-made chemical, 1,50,000 times more toxic than Cynide!

TCDP meaning

TOTAL CUPCAKE DOMINATION PLAN... it is a group of people on facebook who really care and love cupcakes. you can find us and join if you love cupcakes!

TCDR meaning

Acronym for "Too Complicated Didn't Read". A variation of TLDR except what has been typed is so far above your head that you need to be a rocket scientist. Also might be TLDR but not necessarily.

TCed meaning

To get penalized or scolded for following instructions from a superior

tcee meaning

tcee is very sexy teenage male. if you see one in the wild we do not advise you aproach it for he might dance for you. he also is awesome and really freaking tall for a penguin.

tce select meaning

total chode extravaganza; total chode (area between your ass and your balls) extravaganza

Tcfc meaning

Too Close For Comfort. Commonly used when someone is standing too close to you or is touching you unnecessarily.

tcff meaning

Too cool for fucking school

TCFL meaning

Too Cool For Life; used in a sarcastic context. Actual meaning is like calling someone a loser.